Learning 4 Apr 2016

Primary Years Model UN Team Tackled Environmental Issues

By CIS Communications
Photograph by CIS Communications
by Jesica Torres, Grade 5 Teacher -

MUN - 1Nine of our Grade 5 students embarked on a unique opportunity by representing CIS at the annual Primary Years-Model United Nations (PY-MUN) on 20 and 21 February. Hosted by the Overseas Family School, this event gave our students the chance to practise their collaboration and leadership skills.

Our nine CIS representatives worked intensively for two days as they learnt about the structure of the United Nations and the role of a delegate. Each student became a delegate for a specific country and they were asked to focus on the role of the ECOSOC (The Economic and Social Council) and the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme). Delegates were presented with the topic “Should the ban on mining, oil and gas extraction in Antarctica be lifted?”

MUN - 2

Taking into consideration the perspectives of their countries, and having researched the advantages and disadvantages of the topic, the delegates worked long and hard to create a resolution with operative clauses. Using collaboration skills, delegates then lobbied and merged with their fellow national representatives to combine their clauses to create a new, detailed, and well thought out resolution. From here, the students had their first exposure to a simulation of a committee room where they worked together to debate their resolutions and took a vote.

It was nothing less than inspiring to see our students taking their first steps as future leaders in making our world a better place. CIS’ Grade 5 students showed unlimited potential and demonstrated many capabilities that could make them upcoming delegates and diplomats for the UN.
