Community & Service 26 Oct 2017

Deepavali celebrations at TK

By Nandini Jhaveri, French teacher
Photograph by CIS Communications

Diwali (in northern India), or Deepavali (in southern India), is the festival of lights, colour and feasts. With these come joy and family gatherings, all in celebration of the victory of good over evil.

At CIS TK, we celebrate Diwali by gathering as one big family on the basketball court. Children, teachers and parents are all dressed in Indian festive clothes. Most of the ladies are wrapped in beautiful 6 yards of silk called sarees. Although trying to walk in them is tricky enough, the courageous ladies even dare to dance! It is indeed a beautiful sight where individuals from other cultures not only participate, but are fully immersed in the celebrations. The centre of the basketball court is adorned with a decoration of flowers called rangoli. Every year we gather at 6am to complete the floral design before students come in. Mums from different nationalities partake in one of the most beautiful moments of the day.

This is also an opportunity for children to showcase classical Indian dances and musical performances. India clearly has so much more to offer than just Bollywood, and our children at TK make it a point to get that word across. Mrs Henderson and Ms Cherie lead the traditional lamp lighting ceremony, symbolising the spread of knowledge. During this year’s celebration on 4 October we had the pleasure of our head of school, Mr Corcoran joining us. Not to be left behind, teachers and parents join the festivities and enjoy the wonderful Diwali celebrations together, the TK way!!
